Details for Affiliates
Fast Trajectory Optimization: A Step towards Online Motion Planning for Underactuated Robots
Brian Jackson Advisor: Prof. Zac Manchester
Space- and Ground-based Measurements of Radiation Belt Precipitation: Extending the Capabilities of CubeSats and Radars
Diana Juarez Madera Advisor: Prof. Sigrid Close
Model Reduction for Model Predictive Control of Automated Aircraft Landing
Andrew McClellan and Joseph Lorenzetti Advisors: Prof. Charbel Farhat and Prof. Marco Pavone
Horizontal Maneuver Coordination for Unmanned Aircraft Collision Avoidance Systems
Rachael Tompa Advisor: Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer
Preliminary Design of a Hybrid Rocket Motor for Small-satellite Propulsion
Flora Mechentel Advisor: Prof. Brian Cantwell
Deployment of Stretchable Sensor Networks on Non-Developable Surfaces
Elliot Ransom Advisor: Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang
Gallium Nitride Photodetector Measurements of Combustion in a Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grain
Hannah Alpert Advisor: Prof. Debbie Senesky
Data Security for GPS
Andrew Niesh Advisors: Prof. J. David Powell and Dr. Todd Walter
Large-Eddy Simulations of Supersonic Jet Screech
Gary Wu Advisor: Prof. Sanjiva Lele
Communication-Efficient Distributed Filtering
Trevor Halsted Advisor: Prof. Mac Schwager
Generative Bayesian Networks for Conceptual Aircraft Design
Emilio Botero Advisor: Prof. Juan Alonso
Collaborative Multi-Robot Terrain Relative Navigation
Adam Wiktor Advisor: Prof. Steve Rock
Identifying Aerodynamics Properties of Small-scale Models from Flight Tests Data
Jean de Becdelievre Advisor: Prof. Ilan Kroo
Pose Estimation For Non-Cooperative Spacecraft Rendezvous Using Neural Networks
Sumant Sharma Advisor: Prof. Simone D'Amico