Student Groups
Student Advisory Committee (SAC)
The SAC works on projects geared toward navigating your academic experience in the Aero/Astro Department, and serves as the liaison between faculty and students. Recent accomplishments include updates to the PhD coursework requirement, facilitating the Annual Student Survey, creating a CA Reference Guide, and maintaining a fellowship resources page on our website. The SAC meets once per month (~2 hours) during the academic year. Members are appointed to one or two of the current projects, dependent upon the time commitment of the specific undertaking. Each member is expected to serve for the full academic year (hopefully longer). The overall time commitment, including meetings, is about 4-5 hours per month. We also meet once per quarter with our Department Chair Professor Farhat about the state of the department, upcoming initiatives, and resolving student concerns. Please contact Patrick Ferguson at: if you are interested in attending a meeting.
Comments? Questions? Suggestions? We'd love to hear from you!
Feedback form (SUNetID required, but is anonymous)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
The Stanford student branch of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) holds various activities throughout the school year. Stanford’s AIAA activities are open to all students in the department (and those in other departments who are interested in Aero/Astro). Membership in AIAA is optional, although student memberships are available and include many non-Stanford benefits. For announcements of events, there is an AIAA email distribution list,
President: Anshuk Chigullapalli
Vice President, Professional: Guillem C Vila
Vice President, Social: Michael Kwara
Treasurer: Kendall Seefried
Officer: Lauren Simitz
Officer: Aliza Fisher
Officer: Yuji Takubo
Women in Aeronautics & Astronautics (WIAA)
WIAA is part of Stanford's Student Chapter of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics). WIAA aspires to both support female and nonbinary students in Aero Astro as well as foster broader community within the discipline through professional, educational, social, and outreach events. All are welcome.
President: Lauren Simitz
Vice President: Efaine Chang
Treasurer: Somrita Banerjee
Current Events & Programs
- WIAA Mentorship Program
- We pair new and returning AA students to have conversations about grad school, Stanford, and/or just life more generally.
- If that wasn't incentive enough, we pay for you both to grab coffee/beverages once a quarter.
Membership in WIAA is optional, although student memberships are available and include many non-Stanford benefits. For announcements of events, there is an WIAA email distribution list, . We have an Instagram (wiaa_stanford) if you want to follow what we are up to! We love to showcase the events we run and feature our members.
Young Astronauts Program
The Young Astronauts program supports the local elementary schools. It relies on enthusiastic graduate student volunteers to interest young students in science and engineering. To subscribe to the email distribution list,, go to