REU Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not an Aero/Astro major, am I eligible to apply?
Yes! The Aero/Astro REU program is open to all Stanford undergraduates. Students must not have received their BS degree prior to the beginning of the quarter of research experience. Coterm students are not eligible.
What are the other student eligibility requirements?
- Students must be current undergraduates in good standing at Stanford.
- Students may not receive both academic units and a stipend for any single project activity.
- Students may not be serving a suspension.
- Students may not be on a Leave of Absence (LOA) while using grant funding.
- VPUE does not use a GPA requirement for student eligibility, nor does VPUE encourage the use of GPA as a criterion for inclusion in a research opportunity.
- See VPUE's website directly for more information.
Which faculty are participating in the REU program? How do I decide which professor to contact?
For now Students should speak directly with faculty member regarding their schedule. Contact faculty whose research interests match your own. Here we list which faculty are associated with which research areas:
Coming Soon we plan to publish on this site a list of faculty/labs and their UG research project descriptions and skills required to help students better prepare their resumes.
How exactly do I apply for the REU program?
Applications are submitted by Aero/Astro faculty only. Interested students should directly contact the faculty member they are interested in working with. We recommend emailing the faculty member. In the email include your resume, courses you have taken, and any other relevant experience. The faculty member will follow up with final candidates for more information. Faculty will submit student nominations for the REU program to the student services office.
When is the application deadline?
We must receive all REU nominations from faculty by mid April 2023 for summer quarter.
What will the stipend amount be this year?
Full-time stipends will be $7,500 + up to $1,500 need-based supplement (if student qualifies).
Will I be charged any taxes on my REU stipend? How do I figure this out?
The Aero/Astro department is not in a position to answer questions about how/if student grants might affect taxes. Students who receive stipends should consult with Student Financial Services (SFS) and the IRS about scholarships and grants which are received.