Undergraduate Career Services
Career Guide for Aerospace Engineering
Need a letter of recommendation from our faculty?
Please fill out the UG Letter of Recommendation for Aerospace job/internship application. If letter of recommendation is needed urgently for a job/internship application please email faculty directly.
Career and Internship Opportunities
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA)
Intern jobs available on American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Search for and apply to open jobs.
Blue Origin
Internships are available to college students at various Blue Origin locations. Blue internships are paid and include housing and relocation options.
Business Association of Stanford Engineering Students
The Business Association of Stanford Engineering Students has job and internship listings from technology startups and recent ventures.
Computer Forum
The Computer Forum has job and internship listings for students in Computer Science and the Computer Systems Lab.
Department of Computer Science e-mail list
An e-mail list specifically for job announcements of interest to Computer Science and Electrical Engineering majors. Subscribe with the following message (no subject line): subscribe cs-careers
Department of Management Science and Engineering Careers
The Careers website has available jobs and internships.
SpaceX is currently seeking top talent to join our Intern Program. Our year-round program offers an unparalleled opportunity to play a direct role in transforming space exploration and helping us realize the next evolution of humanity as a multi-planetary species. Opportunities are available across all engineering functions and business operations at SpaceX.
Stanford Career Education
Stanford Career Education supports you early and often through a network of career communities that help you explore opportunities and make meaningful connections. By providing customized support based on academic communities, the specialized staff helps you discover your career interests, interact with mentors, employers and alumni, and find opportunities, research, and on-campus jobs.
Aerospace research publications
AIAA Publications AIAA has earned an international reputation as the preeminent publisher of cutting-edge aerospace journals and books, and as the leading source of aerospace industry archives, dating back to the early 1900s.
AIAA Journals AIAA's journals are the best resource for students and professionals who want to stay current on the latest aerospace research and development.
Aerospace Career Events
Subscribe to our student mailing list to hear about all career events: aa-undergrads@lists.stanford.edu
Stanford Aero/Astro Alumni Association has an annual event in Spring Quarter each year.
Other Stanford Career events: https://careered.stanford.edu/events
Employment Report: Bachelor of Science Graduates